Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Constant Buzz

Oh, dear sweet football, this is my ode to you. I wake in the morning to the pre-game show wafting through the house. The excited muffled speech of beefy, testosterone brimming men humming, growing louder as I approach the living room. The sight of my beloved, RandBall, sprawled out on the couch, alert beyond what one might deem appropriate for leisurely television watching.

This is the reality of our household during football season. It's been three years since I've had to have this experience in my home... we just purchased a TV. I should've known that the timing was planned. I should've known that it was back to watching EVERY game that basic cable would allow... even college football.

I humored him. Though I know nothing about football, and have never been able to concentrate long enough to learn the rules, I sat and watched with him. Though, I had no idea that this was a day-long event. One game after another. I thought we would have dinner at one point, but another game began, and RandBall was equally attentive to it. Finally, at a certain point I asked, "Are you really interested in this game?" I was relieved when he replied, "No, let's go eat." Immediately, I noted to myself: Make sure to ask if he's interested in the game before griping about having to wait for the game to end in order to eat/grocery shop/run errands/etc.

Occasionally, during a game I assumed RandBall had no vested interest in, I'll witness him cheering and screaming at the TV. "Is that guy on your fantasy football team?" I ask. "Yah," he says. Surprised? No.

Finally, it's all coming back to me. Football, sweet football. You're back in my life.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Thought of the day: "What's the big deal about football?"

Randball and I went to Longfellows for lunch yesterday and our waiter, in a bout of witty bantor, asked us for a "thought of the day." Mine was, "What's the big deal about football?" I was delighted by his gasp, as he seemed equally baffled as I. "I know! I came into work today and everyone was wearing purple, and gawking at the TV screens. Then I figured it out, it's football season!"

*sigh* Yes, it's football season. Now that we've purchased a (insert Freudian slip here)-sized TV, I've got hours of alone time, while the man and dog enjoy bonding time on the couch.

I've just never understood the appeal of a game that is contantly on-again-off-again. Ten seconds of action, two minutes of dispute, ten seconds of action, two minutes of glorifying the quarterback.

As I told Randball one night when he admitted to playing (number removed for the protection of our beloved) hours on end of online Scrabble, I said, "You could be earning a graduate degree in the time you spend online!" I could apply this principle to the hours in front of the tube watching football.

Well, at least he's not alone.

"Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!!"